King Abdullah II’s Silver Jubilee 

The extended Jordanian Royal Family joined King Abdullah II and Queen Rania of Jordan to celebrate their Silver Jubilee with a Parade in Amman on the 9th of June. King Abdullah unexpectedly succeeded to the Jordanian Throne in 1999.

King Abdullah II and Queen Rania of Jordan travelled in a convoy of eight bright red armed Land Rovers, termed the Red Motorcade, through the streets of Amman, to the Parade attended by 9000 Jordanian Citizens.

The event, which focused on aspects of the achievements achieved by the nation over a quarter of a century, included a military parade by the Jordanian Armed Forces – the Arab Army and the security services, which demonstrated the developments witnessed by these national institutions, and reflected the high discipline and professionalism enjoyed by its members.

The show, presented by the flag bearers, was attended by 3,200 participants from various types and military and security sectors, as the groups advanced in front of the podium in a quick-step system.

During the event, the mechanisms of the Jordanian Armed Forces – the Arab Army and the security services were reviewed, which included tanks, artillery and strategic weapons that had recently entered service, and Jordanian defense industries manufactured at the Jordanian Design and Development Center (JODDB), a flight of Royal Air Force aircraft, and a free parachute jump.

The armed forces’ music presented military and patriotic pieces.

During the event, His Majesty the King and the attendees saluted groups of border guards, anti-terrorism forces, airdrop groups and field hospital staff in Gaza, in pride and appreciation for their efforts that reflected the image of Jordan and their great role in protecting the security of the homeland and citizens.

The event also included cultural and folkloric performances for all governorates, performed by more than 1,000 young men and women, and included the passage of 12 vehicles specially designed to represent each governorate.

Queen Rania wore her Arabic Script Tiara and the Order of Al-Hussein bin Ali.

Crown Prince Hussein and Princess Rajwa Al-Hussein

 Princess Iman

 Princess Salma 

Princess Muna and Princess Basma

 Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad and Princess Miriam al-Ghazi, Dowager Princess of Turnovo with Princess Ghida Talal

King Abdullah gave a Speech:

“Twenty-five years have passed since I took on the duty of serving this nation. Jordan, with its cherished land and people, I see men, women, and youth with raised heads, high spirits, and noble values.”

“I see in them the courage of the soldier who rushed to the borders to rescue a mother and her children to safety, and the humanity of the doctor who did not hesitate for a moment to support his brothers under bombardment and amidst battles.”

“I see the dedication of a teacher carrying out the noblest mission to build generations, and the determination of a young man who took the initiative and achieved to build the nation.”

“Everywhere in this beloved land, I see the sacrifice of fathers and mothers who spared no effort to uplift their sons and daughters. I see that Jordanian who persevered and excelled, who rose to the occasion in times of hardship, and stood up for his oppressed brother and sheltered those who came to us seeking safety.”

There was no better defender of the causes of his nation, who sacrificed himself for them. He learned valor and chivalry in the ranks of our armed forces and security apparatus, carrying the honor of sacrifice, and earned from all of us loyalty and appreciation.”

I see men and women who built, created, innovated, and raised the name of Jordan high, wherever they were. This is the Jordanian I know and boast about to the world, with pride in his confident people. A people who have earned the respect of nations for their stances, principles, humanity, and noble ethics.”

Today, I stand among you after a journey of a quarter of a century. Twenty-five years that have not been devoid of challenges, but have been enriched by your achievements in a period marked by tumultuous events in the world. Together, we faced the consequences of wars and crises that followed, unlike anything the region had witnessed before.”

Our Jordanian national identity has been and will remain a source of stability and strength, uniting us in the face of dangers. It has safeguarded the journey of the state and society. Under the flag, we have united against extremists and troublemakers, surpassing regional chaos, making the protection of Jordan from its fires our top priority.

We have never hesitated. With confidence, we have built, developed, and exerted effort; we have succeeded and made mistakes, always striving to update and correct our course, never deviating from our goals and aspirations.

We will not hesitate. With your determination, we have endured the toughest tests, proving that this country is strong, resilient in the face of all challenges, and Jordan remains steadfast and unyielding, unaffected by circumstances, always present when duty calls.

All of this is the source of my confidence in Jordan, and I have full faith that with a clear vision, we can confidently move towards the future we deserve, without hesitation, fear, or faltering.

oday, I stand among a proud and resilient nation, honored to have been entrusted with the responsibility of serving it, and I take great pride in being Jordanian. Jordan is an achievement in the harshest conditions, perseverance in the toughest times, and steadfastness in upholding righteousness in the most challenging situations. This is the Jordan we belong to, the Jordan we have collectively built.

It is our collective responsibility to pursue comprehensive modernization and unleash the potential of our economy in the coming years, creating a Jordan where opportunities flourish and achievements abound for both present and future generations. I have full confidence that Jordanians are up to the task of continuing the process of modernization and construction for a greater future.

Today’s success depends on the talents, competencies, and human capabilities, and Jordan is rich in its youth, their potentials, experiences, and economic relations with the world. We have vast opportunities to increase investment in various promising fields and sectors.

“Today, I thank you all, for you have always stood by my side. From my extended family across this great nation, I draw the will and optimism, and from my immediate family, the love and strength. I pledge to you that Jordan will remain free, proud, generous, and secure.”

The Hashemite Royal Court has released a new Official Portrait of King Abdullah II and Queen Rania of Jordan to mark their Silver Jubilee. King Abdullah unexpectedly succeeded to the Jordanian Throne in 1999.

The Portrait of King Abdullah II and Queen Rania of Jordan places them in front of the Jordanian Flag and the Royal Standard of Jordan.

Queen Rania wore her Arabic Script Tiara, Crown Brooch and the Order of Al-Hussein bin Ali.

King Abdullah II wore the Sash, Star and Collar of the Order of Al-Hussein bin Ali, Jordan’s highest Order.

King Abdullah II and Queen Rania of Jordan hosted a lavish Reception for 800 at the Raghadan Palace on this day in 1999, 25 years ago, ahead of a ‘Red Motorcade’ through Amman to celebrate their Enthronement, a few months after King Abdullah’s Accession to the Jordanian Throne.

The Enthronement Celebrations began with a Parade which passed through the courtyard of the Raghadan Palace, where a Reception was held for 800 dignitaries, including much of the extended Jordanian Royal Family.

King Abdullah II also hosted an Investiture at the Raghadan Palace, during which Queen Rania (wearing Queen Alia’s Cartier Tiara) was bestowed the Order of Al-Hussein bin Ali, Jordan’s highest Order.

King Abdullah II and Queen Rania then travelled in a convoy of eight bright red armed Land Rovers, termed the Red Motorcade, through the streets of Amman

In 2009, Queen Rania wore her Boucheron Bracelet Bandeau for a splendid Ceremony in Amman to mark the 10th Anniversary of King Abdullah’s Accession of the Jordanian Throne, which was followed by a motorcade procession through the streets of Amman.

Arabic Script Tiara

Diamond Tiara

Boucheron Bracelet Bandeau

Queen Alia’s Cartier Tiara

Queen Rania’s Crown Brooch

Princess Rajwa’s Diamond Tiara

Queen Rania’s Diamond Tiara

Princess Iman’s Diamond Tiara

Queen Rania’s Boucheron Bracelet Bandeau

Queen Alia’s Cartier Tiara

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