King Juan Carlos to leave Spain in Exile

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King Emeritus Juan Carlos of Spain has addressed King Felipe in the following letter, addressing his intention to leave his home, the Zarzuela Palace in Madrid, to go into Exile in an undisclosed location, amid a corruption scandal.  King Felipe has conveyed to King Juan Carlos his heartfelt respect and gratitude for his decision. The King wishes to emphasize the historical importance of his father’s reign, as a legacy and political and institutional work of service to Spain and democracy; and at the same time it wants to reaffirm the principles and values ​​on which it is based, within the framework of the Constitution and the rest of the legal system. King Juan Carlos reigned from 1975 to 2014, with his reign marking the end of the Fascist dictatorship and transitioning Spain to democracy. The letter:

Your Majesty, dear Felipe:

With the same desire for service to Spain that inspired my reign and in the face of the public repercussion that certain past events in my private life are generating, I wish to express to you my utmost availability to contribute to facilitating the exercise of your functions, from the tranquility and tranquility that requires your high responsibility. My legacy, and my own dignity as a person, is what they demand of me.

A year ago I expressed my will and desire to stop developing institutional activities. Now, guided by the conviction of providing the best service to the Spaniards, their institutions and you as King, I communicate to you my thoughtful decision to move, at this time, outside of Spain.

A decision I make with deep feeling, but with great serenity. I have been King of Spain for almost forty years and for all of them I have always wanted the best for Spain and for the Crown.

With my loyalty forever.

With the affection and affection of always,

your father.

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4 thoughts on “King Juan Carlos to leave Spain in Exile

  1. I seriously cannot believe this…. Off all the people I would have expected King Juan Carlos to stay away from such scandals….. Did he not learn anything from the time when General Franco had ousted Spanish monarchy which then went into exile and today he is back to SQUARE ONE…..This is rather disappointing.

  2. When you think of all that Juan Carlos accomplished for Spain: leading it to democracy after Franco’s death, stopping a military coup in 1981… the final chapter of his life will be living in exile and shame to avoid prosecution and publicity for corruption, it’s so incredibly sad, infuritating and disappointing.

    1. It is a shame, isn’t it? The man that returned Spain to democracy has a tragic flaw: greed. Maybe it has to do with growing up surrounded by uncertainty and intrigue. Whatever it is, it is very sad to see.

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