Order of the Bath Service at Westminster Abbey

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The Prince of Wales, Great Master of the Honourable Order of the Bath, attended a Service of Installation of Knights Grand Cross of the Honourable Order of the Bath at Westminster Abbey on May 24th. Established by King George I in 1725, the Most Honourable Order of the Bath comes from the medieval practice of bathing as part of the ritual of purification before being knighted. Mostly awarded for Military service, and given to foreign heads of state, appointments to the Order of the Bath are made throughout the year, with a service held every four years at the Henry VII Lady Chapel at Westminster Abbey, which is presided over by the Grand Master of the Order, while the Sovereign attends every other service, though not this year, due to her ongoing mobility issues.

Order of the Bath Service in 1982 | Order of the Bath Service in 2018

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One thought on “Order of the Bath Service at Westminster Abbey

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