Prince Harry in Guyana- Day 3

Prince Harry spent the last day of his Royal Visit to the Caribbean in Guyana. He visited a Children’s Centre  and attended a reception for trafficking victims before an official goodbye. He took a flight to Barbados, where he took another flight to London.

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Prince Harry started his last day on tour with a visit to the Joshua House Children’s Centre,  rescued children in unfortunate circumstances in Guyana since 1977 and currently looks after 50 children, where he met staff, volunteers, and children. Later, he attended Prince Harry attended a reception meeting victims of trafficking and abuse with First Lady Sandra Granger. He also attended an official farewell at Eugene F. Correia International Airport, where he also inspected the guard, before boarding a flight to Barbados. From there he boarded another flight to return to London.Screen Shot 2016-12-04 at 11.36.09 AM.png

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