Wedding of Princess Elisabeth, 1947


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In honour of the 69th Wedding Anniversary of Queen Elisabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh, we take a look back at their wedding on November 20th, 1947. Among the Royals pictured in the front row-Queen Mary (the Bride’s grandmother wearing the Cullinan III and IV Brooch), Princess Andrew of Greece (mother of the Groom), Prince William of Gloucester (cousin of the Bride), Princess Elizabeth (the Bride), the Duke of Edinburgh (the Groom), Prince Micheal of Kent (cousin of the Bride), King George VI (Father of the Bride), Queen Elizabeth (later Queen Mother wearing Queen Alexandra’s Wedding Necklace and Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee Brooch), and The Dowager Marchioness of Milford Haven (grandmother of the groom). Among the bridesmaids were Princess Margaret, Lady Pamela Hicks, Lady Elisabeth Lambert, and the Hon. Margaret Rhodes.

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